Now that we've been told of the countdown to take us out of lockdown are we any the wiser as to what the longer term holds? For most the immediate impact of the governments road map is the prospect of seeing friends and family again, getting heads around returning to work, getting back to the Pub, Bar and Cinema. 

Is the handshake a thing of the past? will masks still be evident as a matter of choice? will social distancing be an entrenched habit? nobody knows as this situation has never been faced before. However, there are probably some things that the government haven't factored into their round to recovery

March 8th-Sees the return to the High street of discarded yellow chicken shop boxes as children return to the corners of the High street between 3.00-5.00 as they dawdle towards home with a deep fried piece of avian matter clutched in their ravenous maw.

April 12th-Sees an upswing in undesirables asking for 'spare' cigarettes and 'spare' change from those supping a well deserved drink at a table outside their local hostelry. 

May 17th-Sees the reintroduction of wedding reception punch-ups at overcrowded community halls up and down the country.

June 21st-Sees the Omaha beach scenario as a staple of Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights in town and city centres throughout the land as everyone gets totally of their nuts on cheap alcohol and Bolivian marching powder.

Throughout this crisis Boris has spoken about the common sense of the British Public, and that's the conundrum; do you trust people or do you assume that people are idiots? Lets hope that he has made adequate provision for the possibility that common sense may very well go out of the window in the next few months.
