I’m not saying that the government haven't cocked things up with their handling of the pandemic; they have. But after Lockdown Episode One I went back to work, which involves travelling across London. I saw many many people oblivious to Government advice/instructions. Not conspiracist’s trying to make a misguided point, just bleedin’ ignorance. People that don’t understand what 2 metres is or how to wear a mask properly. Basically people who couldn’t care less.
As we do not live in a country where a police presence or the military on the streets is part of a cultural awareness, we’ve had to rely on the common sense of the great british public but without public guardians, who were dispensed of in the eighties, there is no one to question the behaviours. Shop assistants and bus drivers probably feel that they are not paid enough to risk being abused or assaulted if they refer non compliers to the rules.
During Lockdown 2 : Electric Boogaloo I had a mixed work pattern which meant travelling twice a week across London and to my dismay there were still large numbers of people blithely not adhering to guidance. Thankfully a bike and British Rail provided travelling sanctuary.
Now we are in Lockdown III I am confined to the environs of North London and I have to say that I am seeing far more people following the guidance and not being so selfish. Could it be that the penny has dropped or is it that different parts of London think differently? Who knows, but here's the thing; people are and have been dying and a little bit of unselfish thought could help to stop further people from dying. a bit of sensitivity for those that are struggling.
It's getting boring now, this situation that we have been in for what seems like an age, and I would hope that the Great British Public can show what we have shown countless times in the past; Common sense and a spirit of unity.
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having said that;