"Make Mine Marvel!" that was my comic book motto growing up. In these days of multiple comic book movie blockbusters featuring rampaging CGI and multi strand marketing opportunities I still refer back to the glory days of Marvel Comics where character development, unique art and the birth of defining characters was the motivator for my habit. I still have rose tinted spectacles when it comes to Marvel Comics.
When the films first came out it took me ages to get over the fact that I was finally seeing these characters, that I had grown up with, in the flesh as it were. The casting of these films has, by and large, been great and they have mostly managed to capture some of the original Marvel spirit but clearly a major influence is the Ultimates line that reinvented the Marvel universe for the modern era.
But back to basics. I loved the old Marvel comics, they were a fun but serious they were the Star Trek to DC's Star Wars. So many touchstones from that era that knitted this universe together. The fact that most stories happened in New York and other real cities. The Baxter Building, Yancy Street, Dr Strange's Sanctum Santorum, Avengers Mansion, Daredevil's Hell's Kitchen, The Offices of The Daily Bugle; these places felt real. "Avengers Assemble!" , "Flame On!", "By The Hoary Host Of Hoggoth", "It's Clobberin' Time!", "Imperious Rex!", "For Asgard!", "Hulk Smash!", these and many more were the exclamations that punctuated the action and added to each characters personality.Every hero needs a nemesis and many and varied were the antagonists that kept popping up to try and thwart our heroes. Dr Doom, J.Jonah Jameson, Kang The Conqueror, The Skrulls, Doctor Octopus, Kingpin, Namor, Mephisto, Magneto, Elektra, Electro, Mysterio. These are some of the names amongst the plethora of villains we were introduced to.
Great writing from the likes of Stan Lee, Roy Thomas, Gerry Conway and Len Wein was complimented by the outstanding artwork of Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Gene Colan, John Buscema, Herb Trimpe, Marie Severin, Gil Kane, Neal Adams, Barry Smith, Jim Steranko and a host of impressive draftsmen and women.
I guess that ones formative years are defined by the interests we have and one of mine (and still is) was Comics and Marvel comics in particular. They gave me stories of Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Love, Intrigue and much more. Those comics helped me to enjoy reading and escape from my reality which at that time was something of real value.
Marvel comics will always be a major part of my growing up, and remain an interest, as important a part of popular culture as Cinema, Popular Music and Television and those that can't see that are missing out in my view.
Thanks Marvel. Nuff Said
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having said that;