DEVO the American band from Akron Ohio formed in 1973
Jocko Homo
Kitsch, Weird, Experimental, Post-Punk, New Wave, Arty, satirical and Off Key; all terms that could be used to describe this outfit.
Whip it
Pioneering in the realm of Music Videos and packaged with great wit Devo were the more accessible version of their nearest comparitor,The Residents.
Time out for fun
Meeting with Rod Rooter
They were the focal point of the Akron ‘Scene’ and there irritating self indulgence was made enjoyable by their inherent humour. A mixture of David Lynch meets the Beastie boys would probably chaqracterise their visuals; bearing in mind they were around before either of those named.
A Message from Booji Boy
A concept of a band that controlled all aspects of their product in a way that would be impossible now.
Peek A Boo
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having said that;