Let's be clear, its all about opinion but I think that America is becoming the haven for this country's most irritating loud mouths. The wretched James Corden has managed to charm US audiences with his ego driven brand of dubious charm. Gordon Ramsey decided to ditch his credibility and become a reality TV celebrity across the pond; his bullying schtick was deemed acceptable in his heavily staged Kitchen Nightmare series. Now Piers Morgan has taken his bloated persona back  stateside to dig out Meghan Markle to anyone that will listen.

They seem to go to the land of the free to have the freedom to be oafish and arrogant without censure. Perhaps the US gives them the liberty to be liberty takers.

These people are not unfortunate exiles, they are bridge burners who place success above other important considerations of basic human qualities. The least one can say about these transatlantic ambassadors of arrogance is that by taking themselves across the sea their voice and influence is diminished at home.

Emma Lazarus'  sonnet The New Colossus needs a rewrite to reflect this trend;

"Give me your trite, your bores,

Your  massive egos yearning to bleat free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the hopeless, bad tempered to me,

I lift my lamp for these media whores"

The UK the public may not be the brightest but some things wear a bit thin. Clarkson, Keys and Grey, that bloke from the SAS, all wrote their tickets to ignominy as we don't have unlimited tolerance and we see through self inflation eventually. Maybe they will turn up in the United States at some point as part of a perverse ex-pat community of charmless charlatans. Birds of a feather and all that.
