Blonde Venus
Scarlett Empress
Among the truly great female Hollywood movie stars; Garbo, Bergman, Monroe, Taylor, Marlene Dietrich is one of the very greatest. Possibly the most distinctive of the golden era. Born in 1901 she lived for 91 years and her career took in silent movies, the roaring twenties, German expressionism, the Hollywood golden era of the 30's and 40's and later cameos in a number of great movies. She out distanced her natural rival Garbo and created her own iconic status. As a German Actress she enthusiastically raised funds for the allies during WWII and was possibly one of the earliest Gay icons and certainly an enduring influence on fashion. She was a singer and stage performer who returned to the stage in her later years; this was all part of her multi facted persona. Aside from her considerable talents Dietrich just looked like no other movie star.Copied, emulated, referenced.When we talk about originality, in Dietrich's case it is entirely appropriate. 

Touch of Evil


  1. we share another obsession. The photo of Deitrich with Anna May Wong was almost too much for me....pity the bitch Leni squeezed in.


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having said that;