My Double bills#13 Big VampireTrouble

Big Trouble in Little China & The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires
A double bill of Hammer Horror Dragon Thrills Stupidity and Kung Fu mayhem!
'Vampires' features a reliable Peter Cushing wading through the nonsense with his comely companion in the shape of Julie Ege and features possibly the least frightening Count Dracula ever committed to celluloid. Hammer meets Hong Kong.
'Big trouble' has Kurt Russel parodying his earlier incarnation for John Carpenter; Snake Plisken. This action hero is bold but dumb. Kim Cattrall plays the female foil to our action hero much as she went on to do in Indiana Jones and the temple of doom. Kung Fu meets Die Hard
Both plots centre around mysticism, Chinese artifacts and preposterous Kung Fu battles. But the plots are secondary to an excuse for massive tear ups. Highly enjoyable!
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