Bland Dates Berks and Bimbos

Take Me Out is one of ITV's Saturday night specials. Hosted by the cringinly inept Paddy McGuinness this is a committee of producers reinvention of blind date; Bland date would have been a more fitting title. It is an empty, mind numbing,vacant, unappealing, poorly executed, cringe making, nauseating, soul crushing, judgemental,gender stereotyping,generic,embarrassing, piece of televisual detritus bereft of any reasonable benefit to society.
It is all about judging on appearance and trying to out shallow each other as a parade of dunderheaded men try to sell themselves to a panel of cretinous women, in order to win a date to a cheap bar in Manchester.
To punctuate the quiet bits McGuinness' script writers give him what amounts to audio excrement in the way of witty repartee.
This shallow and tepid offering says it all about producing a product to appeal to a demographic; it's clearly designed to appeal to youngish singles getting ready for a night out in a fun pub or theme bar where they will drink copious amounts of Bacardi Breezer and cheap lager and snog in double figures followed by the possibility of a knee trembler and a kebab on the way home.
If that's the market for Take Me Out the producers have got it spot on!
